Hi, I'm Emil (Ether-made Illicit Lifeform) and I'm a 25 year old freaklet just trying to make stuff I like and want to see in the world. I'm very passionate about zines, printing, DIY, and preservation of art. I have a degree in Fine Arts with a specialty in Cartooning and I run my own store. I paint with gouache sometimes, my art is made by scanning traditional art and editing it digitally.

I'm not very good at talking and I'm the little animal that's more scared of you than you are of it. I have a spiked shell with soft pink innards, I promise I don't bite! People have described me as the 'universal little brother'. I feel like I don't know how to actually code so please pardon any mess.
I like to skitter around and be silly. I hope you think what I make is cool.