A human soul ripped from their body. Ether is the manifestation of a certain someone's entire being, minus physical form. This form is similar to a ghost, and can only interact with other soul manifestations. Luckily for them, all beings in their plane of existence are souls as well. They can change some of their characteristics at will like eye color, body type, and color gradient.
Adam Caecelius
A skittish and timid researcher from the world of Oracle Project. Trusting to a fault and believes strongly in the innate good of all lifeforms. Considered naive by some of his coworkers while others feel the need to protect him from their harshness. Considered a breath of fresh air in his field. Developing feelings for his superior, but is currently doing his best to hide them to keep his sense of professionalism sound. Has a troubled relationship and history with Eve.
Emiah Soterios
Halcyon Labs' well-rounded and enigmatic founder. Attended college with Eve, Adam, and Lial. Generally well liked and respected, but has very few close connections due to his tendencies to get too engrossed in his work. Invented the first Memory Siphon and Memory Core Processing Units. He considers Adam his closest and mosy trusted ally and wishes to get closer to others.
Eve Lenehan
Emiah and Adam's offputting colleague in charge of archiving the work done at Halcyon Labs. Adam and Eve have been friends since childhood, but developed a complicated relationship during their teens. They consider each other exes at this point in time, but Eve still harbours feelings of an ambiguous nature towards Adam. Their current relationship is strained and amicable at best, but Adam finds himself feeling anxious when in the same room as him....
A being who claims he isn't really a cat. Made of some sort of strange fluid that allows him to take on any forms he wants, even vague shapes and concepts. Every Number is made of the same fluid and technically share a body, as they all split off from the same source. Runs a small bookstore.
Sinclair "Pudding" Artemisia
A horror movie actor who plays multiple roles in various indie films. Usually finds some way or another to rope his husband into his current projects. Appears cheeky and smug while acting, but is actually very introverted and low-energy. Met his husband during childhood only to have to move away from him as a teen, they happily reuinited in college.
A wolf-like being that split off from the same source as Five. He's very protective of them and plays the role of their bodyguard. Fond of going on adventures for long periods of time, he brings back lots of treats and souvenirs for Five. Has a soft spot for cute and small things.
En (Entity)
A manifestation of pain and desperation that haunts a certain hospital wing. They cannot speak and are made entirely of skin and a shiny rubbery substance. Any 'clothes' they appear to have on are actually made of a very thin membrane of stretchy skin. Though it cannot speak, it sometimes makes agonized noises. It's head and tail can take on different forms depending on the state it's in.
An earth-bound angel sent from the world of Mirrors. He comes from the Fifth Mirror and holds the position of Virtue rank Five, giving him the number of 555. More detailed explanation of numbers can be found here. His mission includes the study of human literature and art as well as documenting various animal species. If you remove his collar, his natural form is revealed.
A forgotten soul, the last of house Bailefour. He perished long ago on the battlefield defending his kingdom. The sword his rival used to slay him is forever lodged in his chest. Favored by the Gods for being kind to nature, he was granted immortality to watch over the land he loved. Remnants of his kingdom were eventually housed inside a museum which he now watches over instead; following them like a loyal hound.
A strange animal from the stars beyond. It doesn't talk very much and speaks mostly in gestures as it's tongue is alien in nature. It is a cheerful and curious entity and is often found gazing at the sky. It comes from somewhere beyond our reach, but seems content to inhabit the Earth for now. Naturally curious and inventive.
Nora Devaughn
An escaped aetherochemical experiment from the world of Eorzea. This chimera was found after escaping his creators and was raised by an adoptive family in Sharlayan. He conceals his true form behind layers of glamours and fantasias. Due to this, he is able to take many various forms depending on his mood and needs. More information about him can be found here.
Emil Aisling
My truesona, a mole/shrew hybrid. They make zines and run a small zine/book store. Seems to be closed off and a bit of a lone wolf, but just has a small social battery and prefers to take things slow. Likes to play computer games with his friends and taking naps.
Sybil Haul
The prince of a long-forgotten kingdom. He was born with temporal powers and used them to save a small part of his kingdom, trapping them in a bubble outside the passage of time. No one will ever be in danger, but no one can ever age or grow. Those he brought with him are unaware of their situation and have their time rewound at the end of every day. If Sybil were to stop rewinding time, everyone trapped inside would be subject to over 500 years of rapid aging.
A collective of three beings, the cat and each cicada. Urd is on their right, and Skuld on the left. The cat simply goes by Nornir for ease of use, but their real name is Verdandi.
Verdandi interprets the "words" of Urd and Skuld who commune with the gods of past, future, and destiny.
Urd and Skuld are white ghost cicadas
Goethe von Grimmhild
A skittish and timid researcher from the world of Oracle Project. Trusting to a fault and believes strongly in the innate good of all lifeforms. Considered naive by some of his coworkers while others feel the need to protect him from their harshness. Considered a breath of fresh air in his field. Developing feelings for his superior, but is currently doing his best to hide them to keep his sense of professionalism sound.
Mimi of the Ether
A skittish and timid researcher from the world of Oracle Project. Trusting to a fault and believes strongly in the innate good of all lifeforms. Considered naive by some of his coworkers while others feel the need to protect him from their harshness. Considered a breath of fresh air in his field. Developing feelings for his superior, but is currently doing his best to hide them to keep his sense of professionalism sound.
Nihil Kleine
A skittish and timid researcher from the world of Oracle Project. Trusting to a fault and believes strongly in the innate good of all lifeforms. Considered naive by some of his coworkers while others feel the need to protect him from their harshness. Considered a breath of fresh air in his field. Developing feelings for his superior, but is currently doing his best to hide them to keep his sense of professionalism sound.